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(( CCTV System: Everything You Need to Know ))

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2025 7:44 pm
by Betty Buckley
(( CCTV System: Everything You Need to Know ))

Due to the high number of OOC technical questions we’ve been receiving about the CCTV script, we’ve created this guide to clarify everything. Here, you’ll find all the OOC details regarding GTAW’s CCTV system.

Available CCTV Systems in GTAW There are two functional CCTV cameras in the game. These CCTV cameras work on a subscription system, therefore their payments are monthly.
1080p CCTV Camera ($7,000/month)
1080p 360 CCTV Camera ($15,000/month)

Both cameras can be purchased from any hardware store, while ProTech Security Solutions only sells the $15,000 worth one ICly.
What’s the Difference? 1080p CCTV Camera ($7,000/month): A fixed-angle camera. You cannot move the view beyond what the camera captures.
1080p 360 CCTV Camera ($15,000/month): A motorized dome camera that allows you to pan around using your mouse to view different angles within its range.
What Do the Rules Say? According to the in-game rules:
  • Interior CCTV must use script-supported CCTV items to roleplay CCTV footage.
  • Exterior CCTV can be roleplayed with either script-supported CCTV or RP-only (furniture) CCTV.
  • To roleplay any CCTV, the CCTV item must be visibly mapped in on the property.
CCTV Limitations and Exterior CCTV Placement
  • Non-Donator players can place up to 2 CCTV per character.
  • Gold Donator players can place up to 3 CCTV per character.
  • Platinum Donator players can place up to 4 CCTV per character.
  • Partner Donator players can place up to 6 CCTV per character.
Partner Donator players can place exterior and interior CCTVs, while other donator statuses can only place interior ones.
If you don’t have Partner donator status but still want to install exterior CCTV, you can do so using normal furniture models with at least Platinum donator status. However, keep in mind that these cameras will be RP-only and not functional like script-supported CCTV.
General CCTV Commands
  • /cctv – Access the CCTV UI.
  • /cctv [ID] – View a specific CCTV camera by entering its ID.
  • /givecctvaccess [CCTVID] [PLAYERID] – Grant another player access to your CCTV.
  • /removecctvaccess [CCTVID] [PLAYERID] – Remove a player's access to your CCTV.
  • /paycctvsubscription – Pay the monthly fee for your CCTV. (Note: Even if you don’t manually pay, all CCTVs are set to auto-pay.)
  • /listmycctvs – View the IDs of all CCTVs owned by your character.
  • /deletecctv – Delete your CCTV. This will NOT refund the item or money spent.
How to Install CCTV? Watch a quick demonstration on 360 CCTV Camera:
Have the CCTV item in your inventory.
Use the "use item" command in your inventory.
This will automatically put you in mapping mode, and a CCTV furniture will appear inside your character.
Follow standard mapping controls to place the camera in the desired spot.
DO NOT press enter or type in chat before finalizing the mapping, this will confirm the placement, and the camera cannot be edited afterward.
⚠ IMPORTANT: Once a CCTV camera is placed, there is no way to reposition or move it. The only option is deleting it, but the script does not offer refunds for deleted cameras.
Can ProTech install CCTV on my property? Yes, ProTech can install CCTV on your property on your behalf. However, the following conditions must be met:
  • Your property must be script-wise registered with one of ProTech’s alarm systems.
  • The property owner must be online during the installation.
  • Even if ProTech installs the CCTV for you, the system will still check the property owner’s donator status and CCTV limitations. Please refer to the "CCTV Limitations" section for more details.
How to View CCTV? Once installation is complete, you’ll get a notification in chat with the camera’s unique ID.
To access the feed, use /cctv [ID] or simply /cctv to bring up the CCTV interface.
Past footage is stored as emote logs on You can log in with your UCP credentials to RP reviewing past recordings.