Bob Kentucky

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Bob Kentucky
Trainee Security Officer
Trainee Security Officer
Posts: 17
Joined: Sun Feb 02, 2025 7:25 pm
((GTA:W Forum Name)): CertifiedKiller

Bob Kentucky

Post by Bob Kentucky »

ProTech Security Solutions
Training Course Application Form

1. Applicant Information 1.1 Full Name: Bob Kentucky
1.2 Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY): 04/08/1975
1.3 Phone Number: 00879354
1.4 Address: N/A
1.5 Emergency Contact (Name & Phone Number): N/A
2. Course Selection ((Replace cb code with cbc))

Basic Security Guard Course
Taser Certification Course (PF and GC Required)
Advanced Security Tactics Course
CCTV and Surveillance Operations Course
Personal Protection Training Course (PF and GC Required)
Basic Firearm Safety Course (PF Required)
Security Technician Course
3. Availability Please provide your upcoming availability below.
  • 04/02/2025 l 13:00 to 00:00
  • 05/02/2025 l 13:00 to 00:00
  • 06/02/2025 l 13:00 to 00:00
  • 07/02/2025 l 13:00 to 00:00
  • 08/02/2025 l 13:00 to 00:00
4. Licenses 4.1 - Do you have a valid State of San Andreas Driver's License?

4.2 - Current and Valid Firearms Licenses:
Personal Firearm (PF)
Guard Card (GC)
Carry Conceal Weapon (CCW)
LEO Carry Conceal Weapon (LEOCCW)
5. Additional Information 5.1 - How did you hear about ProTech Security Solutions’ courses?

5.2 - Do you have any medical conditions or special requirements that we should be aware of?
Yes (specify):

5.3 - Any additional comments or requests:
6. Liability Waiver and Release Agreement By participating in the training course(s) offered by ProTech Security Solutions, I acknowledge that physical activities are involved and that there is an inherent risk of injury, damage, or loss. I understand that these risks may include but are not limited to physical harm from the use of equipment, physical strain during training exercises, and other unforeseen incidents.

In consideration of being allowed to participate in the training, I agree to the following:
  • Assumption of Risk: I voluntarily assume full responsibility for any risks of physical injury, death, or property damage that may arise from my participation in the training.
  • Release of Liability: I hereby release, waive, discharge, and covenant not to sue ProTech Security Solutions, its officers, instructors, agents, and employees from any and all liability, claims, demands, actions, or causes of action resulting from any injury, death, or property damage sustained while participating in the training, whether caused by the negligence of ProTech Security Solutions or otherwise.
  • Medical Consent: I consent to emergency medical treatment in the event of an accident, injury, or illness during the course of training. I will be responsible for any medical costs that may arise.
  • Insurance: I understand that ProTech Security Solutions does not provide health, accident, or liability insurance for participants, and it is my responsibility to obtain any necessary personal insurance coverage.
  • Agreement to Terms: I have read and understand this waiver and release agreement. I acknowledge that by signing this form, I am waiving certain legal rights, including the right to sue. I sign this agreement voluntarily and without any inducement.
Signature: Bob Kentucky
Date: 04/02/25
7. Agreement By submitting this application, I confirm that the information provided is accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that payment must be made before the start of the course and that any cancellation or rescheduling must be communicated at least 48 hours in advance. I also agree to abide by the rules and regulations of ProTech Security Solutions during the course.

Signature: Bob Kentucky
Date: 04/02/25
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