Ride-Along Program

Kyle Lockett
Assistant Executive Officer
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((GTA:W Forum Name)): Pengu

Ride-Along Program

Post by Kyle Lockett »

ProTech Security Solutions offers a ride-along program to showcase the daily responsibilities and operations of our Security Officers. Those interested in participating in this program should ensure they meet the requirements listed below. Once confirmed, they can complete the Ride-Along Request form and submit it to the Ride-Along Requests Area.

Please note that the ProTech Training & Recruitment Division is responsible for processing ride-along requests. Processing times may vary, so please be patient while we review your application.
1. Applicants must provide truthful information on their Ride-Along Request form. Providing false information may lead to disqualification and further review by ProTech Security Solutions.

2. Applicants must be at least eighteen (18) years of age at the time of submitting the Ride-Along Request form.

3. Applicants must read and agree to all regulations outlined below.

4. Applicants with a history of violent crimes are not eligible to participate. Incomplete submissions will be denied.

5. Applicants are required to complete the Ride-Along Request form in full, including signing the waiver. Incomplete submissions will be denied.
1. Participants must follow all directions given by the hosting Security Officer, including consent to a safety frisk if necessary.

2. Participants are not to interfere in investigations, interact with clients, handle equipment, or engage with other staff duties.

3. Participants may terminate their ride-along at any time. The hosting Security Officer may also terminate the ride-along if the participant's behavior interferes with operations.

4. Participants may only observe operations that do not pose safety risks or compromise client confidentiality.

5. Entry into private properties is strictly prohibited.

6. Participants must maintain professionalism and respect the hosting Security Officer's decisions at all times.

7. Participants cannot have any weapons during the ride-along.

NOTE: ProTech Security Solutions reserves the right to decline or terminate a ride-along at any time, for any reason, without notice.
Kyle Lockett
Assistant Executive Officer
Assistant Executive Officer
Posts: 1133
Joined: Tue Oct 24, 2023 7:04 pm
Badge: 102
Primary Division: Executive Leadership
((GTA:W Forum Name)): Pengu

Ride-Along Program

Post by Kyle Lockett »

  • 1. Your title: Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Dr

    2. Your first name: Answer here

    3. Your last name: Answer here

    4. Date of Birth: Answer here

    5. Your contact number: Answer here

    6. Address: Answer here

    7. Ethnic Group / Race: Answer here

    8. With an [CBC], please mark one of the following:
    I have never been involved in any incidents or violations.
    I have minor infractions.
    I have been involved in major incidents or violations.

    9. Please shortly explain your reason for requesting to participate in the Ride-Along Program:
    Answer here

    10. Please attach a copy of your ID card or Driver's License:
Release and Waiver of Liability 11. Release and Waiver of Liability:
I, the undersigned, request permission from ProTech Security Solutions to participate in the Ride-Along Program. I understand the inherent risks involved and accept full responsibility for my participation. I waive all claims against ProTech Security Solutions, its employees, and associates.

Signature (Full Name): Answer here
Date signed: DD/MMM/YYYY
Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement 12. Confidentiality Agreement:
I understand that during my participation in the Ride-Along Program, I may be exposed to confidential or sensitive information related to ProTech Security Solutions and its clients. I agree to maintain strict confidentiality regarding any information observed or discussed during the Ride-Along. I will not disclose, share, or use any such information for any purpose outside of the Ride-Along Program without prior written consent from ProTech Security Solutions.

Signature (Full Name): Answer here
Date signed: DD/MMM/YYYY
Consent to Criminal Record Research and Signature 13. Consent to Criminal Record Research
"I hereby grant permission to ProTech Security Solutions to conduct a criminal record research and background check on me as a condition of my Ride Along request. I understand that this research will be conducted in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. I consent to the release of this information by law enforcement agencies."

Signature (Full Name): Answer here
Date Signed: DD/MMM/YYYY


Code: Select all

[Ride-Along Request] Firstname Lastname

Code: Select all


[centre][size=110]PROTECH SECURITY SOLUTIONS[/size]
[size=140][color=black][b]RIDE-ALONG REQUEST FORM[/b][/size][/centre][/divbox]
1. Your title: [u]Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Dr[/u]

2. Your first name: [u]Answer here[/u]

3. Your last name: [u]Answer here[/u]

4. Date of Birth: [u]Answer here[/u]

5. Your contact number: [u]Answer here[/u]

6. Address: [u]Answer here[/u]

7. Ethnic Group / Race: [u]Answer here[/u]

8. With an [[b]CBC[/b]], please mark [b][u]one[/u][/b] of the following:
[cb] I have never been involved in any incidents or violations.
[cb] I have minor infractions.
[cb] I have been involved in major incidents or violations.

9. Please shortly explain your reason for requesting to participate in the Ride-Along Program:
[u]Answer here[/u]

10. Please attach a copy of your ID card or Driver's License:
[legend=#BF0000, Release and Waiver of Liability]
[b]11. Release and Waiver of Liability:[/b]
I, the undersigned, request permission from ProTech Security Solutions to participate in the Ride-Along Program. I understand the inherent risks involved and accept full responsibility for my participation. I waive all claims against ProTech Security Solutions, its employees, and associates. 

Signature (Full Name): [u]Answer here[/u]
Date signed: [u]DD/MMM/YYYY[/u]
[legend=#BF0000, Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement]
[b]12. Confidentiality Agreement:[/b]
I understand that during my participation in the Ride-Along Program, I may be exposed to confidential or sensitive information related to ProTech Security Solutions and its clients. I agree to maintain strict confidentiality regarding any information observed or discussed during the Ride-Along. I will not disclose, share, or use any such information for any purpose outside of the Ride-Along Program without prior written consent from ProTech Security Solutions.

Signature (Full Name): [u]Answer here[/u]
Date signed: [u]DD/MMM/YYYY[/u]
[legend=#BF0000, Consent to Criminal Record Research and Signature]
[b]13. Consent to Criminal Record Research[/b]
"I hereby grant permission to ProTech Security Solutions to conduct a criminal record research and background check on me as a condition of my Ride Along request. I understand that this research will be conducted in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. I consent to the release of this information by law enforcement agencies."

Signature (Full Name): [u]Answer here[/u]
Date Signed: [u]DD/MMM/YYYY[/u]